Jennifer V.'s review of

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California Academy of Dog Behavior
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Elizabeth Shutters
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Tax Network USA
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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 1/6/2010
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Review 1/6/2010
Before committing to paying for their service, I requested a list of the places they would send Lost flyers to so I could make the determination if it would be worth the expense. Was told via email they could only provide that after payment. Site states that processing takes "anywhere from 5-24 hours", yet my completed flyer was not emailed to me until four days later. Unlike their site states, the list they provided me of contacts did not include any media outlets, groomers, pet stores, or police departments. Their site also claims that AmberPetAlerts are sent via Express Mail directly into the hands of the recipients and that all Amber Alerts are tracked online and must be signed for. I work for one of the animal shelters they listed on the contact list they finally provided me, and we DID NOT receive an Express Mail delivery of the flyer! We finally received a black and white photocopied of the flyer which is supposed to be in color on 11/12, a full week after my payment, and only after several of my emails to the company stating we had not received one. I have no way of knowing other than personally calling them, if any of the only 25 places they claim to have sent a flyer actually received one. I would never have paid $49.99 for them to make a flyer to email me to distribute myself as they encouraged me to do upon receiving it. I could, and have, done it myself for a heck of a lot less!
I was led to believe by their site and follow-up emails that they provide a more beneficial and thorough service than they actually do.
This organization misleads pet owners who are desperate for help in finding their lost pets that they are really helping them when they are not. They also state that your animals Lost information will be posted on their site for 120 days or until it is found. My dog's information was removed far before the 120 days and has yet to be found.

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