Dwayne B.'s review of California Truck Driving Academy, LLC.

California Truck Driving Academy, LLC.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 8/16/2018
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You have many options for Commercial Driver Training and I recommend that you explore all options available to you. Having said that, I'd like to help you simplify the process.

I am a retired Marine and a recent graduate of California Truck Driving Academy and I highly recommend their training program for a number of reasons.

-When I first walked in to California Truck Driving Academy I noticed immediately that the environment was conducive to learning. There were no distractions and the buidling was clean, well organized and the staff was friendly and engaging. The classroom was an appropriate size and set up professionally; Not over or under done. Simply put, it just felt right.

-You wouldn't think of this as a major consideration, but it most certainly is. There is a method to organizing the chaos at the DMV and the Director of the academy, Byron Allen, has figured out how to do just that. It's a very simple formula, and it works...Know the truck so well that regardless of what's thrown at you while testing, you are prepared for it. This can seem daunting, but it isn't. In fact, the methods used here make it quite simple and virtually anybody can master it as long as you don't fight the system. You'll be tempted to because it seems too simple, but after your first week or so you'll witness it's effectiveness.

While I was at the DMV to take my test, I did some snooping around and listened to students from other schools that were there to test for the first time, like me. After listening to what they had to say and seeing how they performed during their tests, I'll just say I was very happy with my decision to go with California Truck Driving Academy. It was evident that those of us with the academy were more confident and far better prepared to be commercial drivers than the other students present, and our test results proved it.

-Your time is valuable and wasting it isn't something that you're interested in. Some courses are too short and the student to truck/instructor ratio makes short courses feel even shorter. Other courses are MUCH longer and I don't know about you, but I didn't want to spend months in a school setting when I could be driving in a matter of weeks. At the California Truck Driving Academy, the course length was just right. Additionally, the class size allowed the instructors to spend more time with students that needed it, and got everybody enough time behind the wheel to build our confidence and helped us become proficient and safe drivers. From what I've seen, that's not the case with all driving programs.

-The environment at the academy is truly a no stress environment. This enables students to focus on the task rather than trying to manage stress or anxiety created by a chaotic environment. If you feel stressed, there's a good chance that it's because you can't get out of your own head. So, as long as you relax and allow the training to do it's job, you will graduate with your Commercial Driver License.

These are just a few of the reasons that I enthusiastically recommend California Truck Driving Academy.
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