AMBER T.'s review of Capital Collections, LLC

Capital Collections, LLC

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 4/16/2010
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Review 4/16/2010
Well I had written a complaint a while back about a man at this company that I had issues with. I finally stopped hearing from him, and I now hear from this woman named Lisa Lopez. She is even crazier than the man was. She has called me the N word, she has cursed me out. I have told her the same thing that I used to tell the man, that I just need some documentation in the mail of what I owe. They said that they aren't allowed to send it to me. She keeps faxing things to my employer saying that I am a criminal and stating that I owe them money. My employer thinks that they are just as crazy as I do. What they are doing is against the law. They are not allowed to keep calling your job and faxing things to other people at your job once you have tod them not too. They hang up on me all the time so that they can get the last word, but yet they will call you back everyday. This woman is a stalker, and it is pure harrassment, what they are doing. It is against the law for them to tell you that you will be arrested, and she keeps telling me this. I have let her know that I am not a naive person, that I know the laws in my state and she is not obeying the fair credit collections and reporting act. She does not care about anything that I have to say. She has told me that she hates me and that I will be fired from my job. The only thing I know to do is to go to her state, and go to the police dept. there and press charges for harrassment, and hopefully have this woman picked up. I will now record her conversations with me. A legit company does not talk to you in this crazy way, and they don't handle things the way that they are. The best thing to do may be to just ignore them. Never once pick up the phone to talk to them, and maybe they will get bored with you. Lisa Lopez has flat out told me that she will not leave me alone until I pay her the money that I owe. So I told her that she might as well leave me alone, because I do not plan to pay her a cent, because I don't think that they are legit.
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