Jacquie W.'s review of IMVU Inc


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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 2/18/2013
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IMVU = Illegal buissness practices
IMVU = Illegal business practices You pay VIP now for a dev account, so you are essentially investing in this company, but they deem them selves above the law and moral business practices. Who do they awnser to? So far it seems no one. There are thosands of clients having accounts removed on the heresay of someone with a grievence against them, or a jealous developer who wants their meshes and products and them not around to question this. Even the DMCA department does not adhere to the law, they stop answering emails and do not return your legal property. I know they do not check reports they just pull a product without looking because I have fought and got mine back.One beign a microphone that they told me even in help responses was not MCG complaint ROFL it was a Microphone does it need to dress and make sure there is not a red pixel on it's panties???????? Over the last month I have been personally subjected to a campainge to remove my account, I was waiting on it. Said parties have been reporting me for lies dmcaing me for lies. So imagine my surprise to be sent an email yesterday that a pair of panties yes people panties, that are not even my mesh and there are 100s of them in the IMVU catty from the parent product both ap and ga...... had got my account banned. These incidently where fully MCG complant as an ap product What can I do not a lot it would seem,they remove my access to help and put me in a little box where the help tickets u file go unawnsered. Any other company withholding goods and services on these grounds and terms and dealing with people in this way would be shut down. It is taking money under false pretences and I have spent a lot of RL money on this account. I am presently researching how to deal with this as I live in the UK not America So you tell me what do you do ?
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Hours   0600 - 1800 PST Phone   (650) 321-8334 Address   100 W Evelyn Ave #110
Mountain View, CA 94041-1472
Website   http://www.imvu.com Email   jhanlon@imvu.com
Contact   Jeff Hanlon Other  
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