Tabi s.'s review of IMVU Inc


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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 10/7/2020
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NEVER TRUST IMVU they disable accounts for no reason I warn everyone never to spend one penny on this useless site and don't give them your money and waste your money and time on this useless place, now imvu have became a place where only raspiests and pedophiles and racists people hang out, you wont find single decent person on imvu, and it has only turned in to a place to steal peoples money and to offend them and violate them, imvu talks about violating their terms of service when the truth is that they are the ones violating all peoples rights and money...I warn everyone never to think on spending money on imvu, even if you spend thousands and you been a user for so many years they wont care and will disable you whenever they want and for no reason at all without any explanation or will lose everything in a second...take it from a person who used imvu for 13 years and spend so much on it and worked my heart and soul to build my account on it, and even then they disabled me for no reason and when i have done nothing. No one's account is safe on imvu or protected, they can throw you in the trash whenever they want and feel like it without giving any explanation or reasons, even if you are going by their rules and policies and never broke them they will still treat you like a criminal, this is no way to do business or treat the customers, very very poor and pathetic way of doing business. IMVU have 0 customer service and support, they treat their customers so bad and worse than trash, i have been on imvu since 13 years and not even once have broken any imvu policies or rules or went against any of imvu TOS, and even then imvu disabled my account for no reason twice,first time when they did it was proved that i did nothing and then i had it back now they did the same thing again and without any justification, they just assume things and disable accounts at once on suspicion and doubts without even investigating in the matter or making sure of it, if you stop spending on them they will disable you....No one should spend one penny on this thing or give them any money, they can disable you at anytime without any reason even if you are old and senior user or even if you have spent fortune on it, they wont care and will disable your account without any explanation or justification....stop wasting your money, I am a living example of account is 13 years old and i spend so much time and did so much hard work on building it and yet they disabled me for no reason when i did nothing wrong....they also stole my credits which are worth $7000, so not only that they are big frauds and scam they are big thieves too. AGAIN I WARN EVERYONE NEVER EVER SPEND ANY MONEY ON IMVU I would give it 0 stars if I could,The whole service is a giant scam. They'll steal your money. Customer service is absolutely impossible to deal with, staff is rude and will never reply to anything you ask or if you have any issues, you have no where to go, your just stuck in the dead end.....Management is a disaster, everything is about money.... how can we extort users for more money? They did an overhaul of their community management, and profited off of top creators by partnering with them. In the end, they banned them for no has no care for their users, they only care about how they can get more money, when a user stops giving them money, their account becomes unimportant and they disable you. IMVU = Intentionally Murdering Victims Unmercifully
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