Review 3/26/2011
While doing research about this company, I came across this company Life House Funding. I was a little unsure about them at first because they did not come up in the first pages when I google searched and only found them by reading some blogs. I would have to say, I am so happy is stumbled across them. In most cases things just happen that way.
I honestly looked everywhere for funding and just simply could not do it on my own. I received the help of Justin at Life house funding. He was able to get me approved for 2 different loans from a couple of credit unions I had not idea existed. NWFCU was able to approve me for 40,200 which is just what I need to buy a new oven for my bakery. I finally don't have to worry about leasing. I can tell you how happy I was. I now know why they seems so busy all the time, their awesome and really know their stuff.