Review 8/15/2010
How do you spell Rip Off...O O H I L O V E.
This website is not a auction site but is a gambling site where the slot machines are rigged. The instructions do not clearly tell anybody what they are in for and buy (pun intended) the time you figure it out you have been held up, tied up and robbed. They bait the hook with all sorts of tasty designer items that you can steal for a song. Its my own fault for being so greedy and thinking I could get something for nothing. If you want to get ripped off OOHILOVE is the place to go. Its an illegal gambling site posing as an auction site. I would say Cavet Emptor which means let the buyer beware but this scam is very very slick. Stay away, save your money and buy what you really really want at a more legit location.