Patrol One receives kickbacks from tow companies
My car was towed last night from a legal parking spot in Santa Ana. When I called the police department to report my car missing they told me it had been towed by Southside Towing in Costa Mesa. After going to Southside Towing and talking with one of the employees they candidly told me that "we have to grease the wheels of the private security companies in order to get them to call us for the tow." It was not until I was able to retrieve my car that I was given the "violation notice" that was filled out by a Patrol One employee. It is illegal for a tow company to pay a patrol company for business. This goes to show you what kind of companies both Patrol One and Southside Towing are. If you are a business or a homeowners association do not hire Patrol one. This company is run by greedy crooks with NO morals and values.
Mike from Newport Beach
Business's response - by Robert P.on 1/28/2013
Patrol One does NOT make a penny off of any tow that we authorize. The only people who make money off of towing vehicles is the tow company. You are correct that it is illegal to accept "kick-backs" of any kind and I would recommend that if you have evidence of this happening, you take it to local law enforcement for them to investigate.
Had you not parked in violation, your vehicle would not have been towed.
Robert Paquette
Director of Operations
Patrol One