Patrol One seems like a scam company. 3 different times no citation on vehicle and Vehicle towed twice.
I've lived in an association condo complex in Costa Mesa for 15yrs.We have Patrol One as our patrol company. Until just within the last few years I have had No issues personally. Recently my vehicle supposedly cited 2x for exceeding Monthly parking time. According to them I was cited 2x within 4 days this month, towed on the 4th day early am. Out of 2 citations I should have seen at least one of them but that wasn't the case. Why and spoke to Robert a supervisor and asked their protocol for citing and towing procedures.1 Patrol one is supposed to place the citation on the vehicle front windshield 2.Some assoc they drop a copy to the pres of the assoc 3. they bring a copy to the office for input into the computer. They said they had copies in the office of these citations I received and what would they get out of not placing the towees COPY on the window. I said EXACTLY Where are my copies I would like the originals not a scanned copy?? He said for me to phone my Property MGMT company for copies. I asked for the name and badge # of the driver he was reluctant to give it and I said you don't have it? Who does my prop mgmt company? finally badge 974. Going back another incident with No citation same guy from Patrol One (Robert) and my car was released from tow at No charge (citation was on the window wrinkled up)?? They had a pix of it on my car. Where did they take that in the tow yard? Going back to Dec of 2012 a friends car was towed and returning back from LA we caught the tow truck. He was parked next to the Patrol one car and they were speaking. Tow truck driver said give him $180 for drop of the car and he took $150. No receipt was given! Did this driver from Southside towing pocket the cash or split it with Patrol one driver?? we have no way of knowing. Maybe Southside towing has records of this transaction? Legal or Illegal? Sounds like same stories as a lot of posts about them both. Anyone find out what can be done? News investigation or? Response to Patrol one response: In response to your response. Accusation of my not wanting to pay the fee for tow of a (potential) violation, that was told to me AFTER it was towed is NOT this issue and false. If i am knowingly at fault and SEE a citation on my car, I will ABSOLUTELY NOT park or continue the violation! I would NOT Continually park somewhere when I clearly have a (citation)WHITE COPY ON MY WINDSHIELD of my car! THERE WASN'T (A WHITE COPY ON IT) That is the proof that I have and have someone to VALIDATE THIS. Manager of the tow yard didnt see any either and I have his word. Car was checked EVERY am from 2 or more persons because of these issues. This is not just an issue with me but others I have spoken to. Maybe its not you Robert but maybe its certain company personnel or isolated incidences? If you continually tow without White citations ON A CAR letting people know they are in violation this is an issue! Yes you have your copy in the office and possibly an Association Board does but that doesn't warn the potential violator. Where would I obtain my original copy (As i had asked for and not a photo copy from the HOA)? or picture of the copy on my windshield at the time of citation. Do I need to take a daily photo journal of your NON actions?
Business's response - by Robert P.on 2/27/2014
1. Patrol One is NOT a “scam company” as you have stated.
2. I want to correct what you have said about our conversation. I explained to you that your vehicle was noted (inventoried) as being parked onsite numerous times (11 times) this month PRIOR to receiving a citation on 02/22/14. You continued to violate the parking rules and your vehicle was towed at your expense on 02/26/14. I never stated that you were cited twice, because that was not the case, nor is it what the association has asked us to do. Being a resident of this association for as long as you say you have, you should be well aware of the parking rules and regulations that your association has in place. Patrol One does not make the rules, we only enforce them.
3. I will reiterate the protocol for issuing a citation on a vehicle, which I explained to you on the phone: The officer finds the vehicle in violation, writes a citation (which is carbon copy – 3 part), and places the white copy under the driver’s side windshield wiper. If the association has asked us to leave a copy of the citation at a designated Board Members home, we do so (pink copy), and we bring a copy (yellow) back to our office so it can be entered into our computer system.
4. You claimed that you have three witnesses that will attest that there was no citation on your vehicle the morning of 02/22/14. Our officer will attest in a court of law that he wrote the citation at the time he noted and placed it under the windshield wiper once done. I explained this process to you when your vehicle was towed in October 2013, where you had the EXACT same story. How many times are you going to use the EXACT same excuse to try and avoid the tow fees for a mistake you made?
5. I did state that you can obtain a copy of the citation by contacting your Property Manager. Since our contract is with the association in which you live, those documents belong to them and we are only able to release that information if instructed to do so.
6. Patrol One does NOT make a penny off of towing vehicles, therefore it would not benefit us in the least to NOT place a citation on a vehicle, as you claimed.
7. I was NEVER reluctant to provide you with the officers Badge number, so that is not true.
8. Your vehicle was released free of charge in October 2013 due to a Board of Directors mistake, not the fault of Patrol One or a “wrinkled copy” of the citation being left on your vehicle. I have emails proving it was not our error and pictures which show that your claim of the “wrinkled copy” is flat out false!
9. Pictures of the vehicle in violation are taken on the property PRIOR to the vehicle being towed. We do not go to the tow yard and our pictures prove that we are taking them on the property, where you left your vehicle parked in violation.
10. In regard to your friend’s vehicle that was towed in 2012, if the tow company accepted a “drop fee” (which is legal under law), then they would absolutely have record of it and you can obtain that information from Southside Towing. Patrol One and Southside Towing are both legitimate companies and do not operate under illegal practices as you have claimed.
I believe that I have answered each and every one of your issues. Patrol One would not be authorizing the towing of your vehicle had you not parked in violation of the parking rules and regulations where you live.
As I have stated above, I have emails from the Board of Directors telling us that your vehicle being towed in 10/13 was not our fault, pictures showing that the citation was not “wrinkled up” as you claim and a phone recording (all of our incoming calls are recorded) proving that your allegations are not accurate and flat out false. Perhaps it is time to accept some responsibility for your mistake rather than try and make Patrol One look bad on the internet?
Robert Paquette
Director of Operations
Patrol One