SSS secure untrusworthy company
This company solicited me by calling my cell phone, how they got the number I do not know, offering me all of these false claims of saving me $500 a month after answering questions, they said they would need $900 to begin saving me money now, I should have known something was strange then, but I was thinking about all the money I would save...phone call after phone call, lost papers after lost papers, this company is the most unorganized and inept that I have ever encountered, I asked Parker Vincent for my money back, he talked me out of it....1st I was never late on my mortgage payments, so according to US bank, there are no programs that exist for me - I'm not behind on my payment... SSS Secure Holdings falsely gives the consumer that they qualify, I never qualified, US bank said that SSS Secure is not a legit company, they cannot make those claims, but they did, they stole $900.00 and I can guarantee I'm not the only one out there that this company is swindling money from....Please do not trust this company they will lie cheat and steal to get your money and keep it.