Review 5/26/2010
Buyer Be Ware!!
This company should NOT be confused with SmokeStik, which has been around for over 2 years, participates in clinical trials and has a good reputation in the industry.
Smoking Stick has two sides to their company, from what I can tell. The side that charges you full price for the product, is the better way to go. If you use the side that gives you a "FREE TRIAL, just have to pay $14.99 shipping", be prepared to have your card charged $100 or so after 10 days. The website says 14 days, but you have to read the fine print in the hard to find Terms of Service. It says allow 4 to 5 days for shipping. Some have even said it has taken longer to get the product. Its up to you to contact the company and let them know you have not received the product, then they may extend the trial time for you. (http://try.smokingstick.com/terms.asp). Additionally, if you sign up for the 14 day trial, you automatically agree to a recurring billing charge of either $40 or $80 for product refills.
There is already a discussion on TrustLink's Community Forum regarding these and other issues, it can be found here: http://www.trustlink.org/ViewQuestion.aspx?QuestionID=2122