Review 6/16/2010
I ordered the smoking stick and found it to be more like a cigarette than my previous brand of "smoking everywhere". When you order you are put on automated delivery, which I was aware of. I called to place my automated delivery early and to change the dose from high to medium...no problem I recieved it in a week....but then...a week later I got ANOTHER shipment of high dose cartridges...a $40 charge. I called customer service to let them know about the error and to request a postage paid envelope to send them back. First I was told by the rep to seal the envelope and send it back "return to sender", when I informed him that was illegal, first he argued with me and then just said "well, everyone does it". When I refused to send then back illegally, I asked to speak to the supervisor, Christine was no help, informed me that she would not send a postage paid envelope, that I would have to pay to send it back and that I would NOT be refunded the $5 shipping charge. So I'm expected to pay ten bucks to send back a product that I never asked for and was sent in error...THEIR error. She informed me that the agreement I checked off meant they could send me anything and I was responsible to pay for it. I cancelled any future orders PERMANENTLY, disputed the charge with my bank and ordered the Eluma brand e-cig after reading all the good reviews about the product and the customer service. STAY AWAY FROM SMOKING STICK!