Mark S.'s review of Star Position Search & Navigation Solutions

Star Position Search & Navigation Solutions

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My Garage Door Repairman - Plano, TX
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4.8 star rating 0 miles
Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 1/29/2013
. 1
. 0
SCAM - and Netguard - SCAM
The search phrase placement is a total scam. The 'traffic' they deliver is not real, absolutely positively not real. My company did it for a site that people use to send in a poem and even though they show over 2300 IPs as traffic not one single poem has ever been entered. Not one. If those IPs reflect real searches by real people on their network looking for a 'poetry contest' then there would be at least one entry on our site. There hasn't been a single entry. Paid $699 for 1 phrase and zero entries as a result. Yet they say the 'traffic' is real and valid and no grounds for a refund. They are ripping people off. If you really think they are sending people your way you are very mistaken. Our site has only a form for people to enter a poem and if any of those IPs were real we'd have a poem to prove it but not one, not a single one. Sites that don't rely on contact (mostly info sites) will never really know this service isn't working because people just look at the 'traffic' they send and think it's working. DO NOT FALL FOR IT. It's a SCAM. Also, if you click on the BBB from their site it doesn't actually go to the BBB, it stays within their site (look at URL bar) and complaints do not get sent (try it out, end of form goes to blank page, you won't hear from BBB). They are very clever fraudsters all the way around.
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